
设置在 Melbourne, 澳大利亚, 我希望这不会找到你安梁 features Sadie Wen and Julius Gong, 两个正在走向未来成功的青少年. Having researched the highest-paying job and the most in-demand degrees, Julius



凯利·安德鲁的《你的血,我的骨头 is a paranormal YA novel full of sinister things that will drag the reader into dark places. Protagonist Wyatt Westlock has always been kept away from the darkest parts of the legacy she


设置在 Oahu, Hawaii, in 1941, 艾伦·格拉茨的《皇冠登录welcome》 is a novel about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Two thirteen-year-old boys: Stanley Summer and Frank McCoy, whose fathers are pilots for the U.S. 海军,bond over他们的爱


Jumata Emill writes a killer murder 神秘 with his new young adult novel, Wander in the Dark. It will lead readers down circuitous paths as they attempt to follow the clues and resolve the murder of Chloe Danvers. 设置在


设置在 Minnesota, Just Keep Walking is a middle grade novel written in part to en勇气 resilience and perseverance in tweens. Erin Soderberg Downing creates twelve-year-old Josephine Conlan, 又名乔, 传达她的信息,不要放弃


Any reader who enjoys genre bending and a good 神秘 will likely appreciate 莎朗·卡梅隆的《皇冠登录welcome》. 故事发生在1943-1946年的阿姆斯特丹, the novel is most clearly a historical fiction piece about the 大屠杀, 但这不仅仅是“另一场大屠杀”


克莱尔·萨诺斯基的《皇冠登录welcome》 with Sarah Durand recounts the memories of the author who befriends Alter Wiener, 大屠杀幸存者, 当她只有九岁的时候. 这本书的主要目的是分享真理


In her historical 神秘 The Voice Upstairs, Laura E. Weymouth tells a riveting ghost story with plot twists that keep the reader intrigued and engaged until the surprising ending. 在韦茅斯笔的影响下, Wilhelmina Price (aka Wil) and


《皇冠登录welcome》, Andrea Tang pens a story about socioeconomic class differences and the challenges that those in the lower classes face just to survive. To tell her story, Tang creates an allegory that bumps up against truth and



设置在 Melbourne, 澳大利亚, 我希望这不会找到你安梁 features Sadie Wen and Julius Gong, 两个正在走向未来成功的青少年. Having researched the highest-paying job and the most in-demand degrees, Julius plans to be a lawyer and Sadie a data analyst. 两个年轻人都就读于伍德维尔学院, a selective high school for gifted students and populated predominantly by other young Asians. At Woodvale, “梦, [like astronaut, 剧作家, and artist] are shattered and hobbies are traded for more stable, 利润丰厚的, 实用职业”(130页). Sadie has perfect grades and is the MVP in every sports team she isRead More →


凯利·安德鲁的《你的血,我的骨头 is a paranormal YA novel full of sinister things that will drag the reader into dark places. Protagonist Wyatt Westlock has always been kept away from the darkest parts of the legacy she inherited as one of the Westlock guardians of Willow Heath. 在她家森林环绕的土地上长大, 她满足于与詹姆斯和彼得一起逍遥自在, 她儿时的朋友. She doesn’t question the dark rituals her father and his guildsman conduct in the dead of night, or why one of her best friends never seems to belong. 经过一个悲惨的夜晚,怀亚特的母亲Read More →

设置在 Oahu, Hawaii, in 1941, 艾伦·格拉茨的《皇冠登录welcome》 is a novel about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Two thirteen-year-old boys: Stanley Summer and Frank McCoy, whose fathers are pilots for the U.S. 海军,因为对漫画书的热爱而联系在一起. The two see the fleet of ships on Battleship Row as a metaphor for superheroes: the Justice Society of America. 弗兰克是作家,斯坦利是插画家. 在一起, 他们创造角色, 写他们的起源故事, and draw them into situations where they emerge as heroes. 然而,弗兰克觉得自己有点像个骗子. Ever since The Incident in Florida, their last militaryRead More →

Jumata Emill writes a killer murder 神秘 with his new young adult novel, Wander in the Dark. It will lead readers down circuitous paths as they attempt to follow the clues and resolve the murder of Chloe Danvers. 设置在 New Orleans at the time of mardi gras in February, the novel features the 家庭 drama of Marcel and Amir Trudeau. 这两个十几岁的兄弟关系疏远, 然而, 因为他们的父亲, 马丁·特鲁多自己也犯了通奸罪. Now the famous chef is married with a second 家庭 who seems to have it all in Amir’s eyes: connections, 现金, and closeness. 当马塞尔邀请阿米尔Read More →

设置在 Minnesota, Just Keep Walking is a middle grade novel written in part to en勇气 resilience and perseverance in tweens. Erin Soderberg Downing creates twelve-year-old Josephine Conlan, 又名乔, 传达她的信息,不要放弃 face of adversity and challenge. 乔的哥哥, 杰克, is in college now, and her dad side-stepped into a new 家庭 despite his promise to take his daughter on the Superior Hiking Trail the summer of her seventh grade year.  With all of her alone time, Jo experiences “too many uncomfortable silences. 太 much time to think about the way things used to be. 太Read More →

Any reader who enjoys genre bending and a good 神秘 will likely appreciate 莎朗·卡梅隆的《皇冠登录welcome》. 故事发生在1943-1946年的阿姆斯特丹, the novel is most clearly a historical fiction piece about the 大屠杀, 但这不仅仅是另一个大屠杀的故事.在这个账户中, Cameron focuses on the efforts of Resistance workers who set out to save the children. An estimated 600 Jewish toddlers and babies were saved from 死亡 in the concentration camps. 这也是一个关于艺术的故事. Isa De Smit lives in a home that houses Gallery De Smit, a place that is “full of art and artists. Lessons in herRead More →

克莱尔·萨诺斯基的《皇冠登录welcome》 with Sarah Durand recounts the memories of the author who befriends Alter Wiener, 大屠杀幸存者, 当她只有九岁的时候. 这本书的主要目的是分享真理 that remembering the history of atrocities like the Jewish genocide can help prevent intolerance, 暴力, 和恨. After hearing Alter Wiener’s presentation about his surviving the concentration camps, Claire is inspired by his attitude to “become better, 不苦.” Despite their huge age gap—Alter is 87—the two become fast friends, and together they spread the message that we can’t remove pain by hiding the truthRead More →

In her historical 神秘 The Voice Upstairs, Laura E. Weymouth tells a riveting ghost story with plot twists that keep the reader intrigued and engaged until the surprising ending. 在韦茅斯笔的影响下, Wilhelmina Price (aka Wil) and Edison Summerfield (aka Ed) serve as protagonists and the voices that carry the story, 故事发生在20世纪20年代的英国, 向前. 是她母亲去世引起的, 威尔产生了死亡感, which enables her to see a soul leave a body prior to 死亡. She can also slip into the shadowland—the world between life and 死亡—where she can lend her body and voice to aRead More →

《皇冠登录welcome》, Andrea Tang pens a story about socioeconomic class differences and the challenges that those in the lower classes face just to survive. To tell her story, Tang creates an allegory that bumps up against truth and gives the reader ample food for thought. 设置在 Beijing, nearly 150 years since General Yuan Shikai successfully declared himself the Emperor of China in 1915, 故事从第六环开始, where a seventeen-year-old street urchin is getting new prosthetics from Ge Rong. An art and engineering savant who is talented not only with biohacks, 工程师葛荣的工具和技术Read More →